Take Care Of Your Pet’s Health

Why Annual Health Checks Are Important

You committed to taking care of your pet, and one of your obligations as a responsible pet owner is to take your pet to the vet for an annual health check, or sooner when he falls ill. This obligation shouldn’t be taken lightly, but you might wonder what the vet will look at when he sees your pet.

Take Care Of Your Pet’s Health

December 19, 2018

Vet Checks

When you take your adult cat or dog to the vet, the following should happen:

  1. A full physical exam should take place once a year.
  2. The rabies vaccination should be administered at the annual check-up.
  3. The standard core vaccines (as given to the puppy or kitten) should be repeated one year after the last vaccination and then yearly.
  4. Full-screening blood work should be done at least every two years.
  5. Pets should be dewormed regularly – ideally every three to six months depending on their environment.
  6. As dental disease differs between the various breeds, dental health should be discussed with the vet at each visit and the necessary steps taken, such as a scale and polish.
  7. Whether cats have access to the outdoors or not, they should have an FIV/FeLV test done annually.


Whenever you take your pet to the vet, you need to inform your vet of any possible symptoms that you have noticed. Remember that your pet can’t speak and therefore can’t tell you or the vet if he feels ill. But your notes can help the vet to determine if there is something wrong with your pet and what to look out for.

At the annual check-up you can also discuss little issues that have been bothering you about your pet’s weight, eating habits, supplements, or other health concerns that you have.

Don’t wait

Don’t wait until your pet is ill before you consult your vet. Start the relationship between your pet and the vet at an early age. In that way, your vet will also get used to your pet and together you will be able to pick up if there are any changes in his health. If you don’t know where to start, consult with the vet at the Family Pet Centre.

Coming soon: Don’t miss the article on the importance of vaccination


Source: contentUtrust

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