TETRA Pond Algofin For Fish & Pond Inhabitants

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TETRA POND ALGOFIN For Fish & Pond Inhabitants

Tetra Pond AlgoFin for fish and pond inhabitants is an HSE approved algaecide for blanket weed. Approved by the Health and Safety it is independently proven to effectively reduce blanket weed growth and is safe for fish, plants and other pond inhabitants.

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Add TetraPond Algo Fin at 4 - 6 week intervals to prevent blanket weed and green water problems. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Effectively destroys stubborn blanketweed and other common species of algae in garden ponds including floating and slime algae. Tetra Pond AlgoFin also prevents further algae growth. Use algaecides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.Learn More

Tetra Pond AlgoFin combats all forms of algae – particularly blanketweed, but also green algae, floating algae and smear algae. It takes two to three weeks for Tetra Pond AlgoFin to have a noticeable effect. If a half dosage is used, this can be repeated after three to four weeks.


- Suitable for koi and pond fish

- Directly suppresses blanket weed and other filamentous algae

- Harmless to fish, plants and wildlife


- Weight: 0.5kg

- Size: 500ml

Directions for use:

- Add 50 ml of AlgoFin for every 1000 Litres (220 Gallons) of pond water.

- Shake the bottle well before use.

- Add a half dose every 4 to 6 weeks for long-term suppression.

- Always read the instructions carefully before use - this product is not for use in wildlife ponds, or for use in ornamental ponds when frogs and toads are spawning. Can be used in combination with TetraPond PhosphateMinus.

Caring for your pond 

To keep your pond in top condition, buy TetraPond products. They will ensure that your pond is easy to look after and maintain and that it has a healthy population of fish, plants and wildlife. Because TetraPond invests more in research and testing than any other company, you can be confident that TetraPond is the best choice for your pond.

Clearing algae

If you do experience green water or blanketweed, there are a number of things you can do to clear it. For green water, TetraPond AlgoRem works within hours to clear the water, clumping the algae together so it can be removed manually or by the filter. If you have repeated problems, it may be worth adding a TetraPond ultraviolet clarifier to the filter system, as this will permanently keep the water clear and green-free.

With blanketweed, it is important to manually remove as much as possible before treatment. This is because large quantities of decaying algae will pollute the pond water. TetraPond AlgoFin* can then be used to reduce its growth. 

Having cleared the pond, it is important to follow the tips for preventing algae, to stop it returning.

How do algae develop?

Algae occur wherever water is found – even if the water is only a temporary presence. It does not become visible until it gets out of control and may cause problems. Algae can proliferate very quickly in favourable conditions, grow over everything else and negatively impact the water parameters. To prevent algae, the first thing you need to do is stop conditions from developing that encourage algae growth:

1) Avoid and/or minimize intense light from the sun or lighting by selecting a pond in a suitable, shaded location.

2) Use fast-growing plants to reduce or prevent high nitrate and phosphate levels. The plants absorb nitrate and phosphate as nutrients before excess nitrate and phosphate enable algae to grow.

3) Remove built-up sediment and other dead organic material from the water at an early stage.

How do I stop blanketweed?

Blanketweed is a sign of good water quality combined with excessive light penetration. You can reduce light penetration in a totally natural way by adding fertilising floating plants such as hornwort or water lettuce. You can also effectively treat blanketweed with Tetra Pond AlgoFin followed by Tetra Pond AlgoClean.

What can I do to stop floating algae?

Keeping the light level low and the amount of food low will reduce the number of algae. If you grow floating plants, like water lilies or hornwort, this will also reduce the amount of light penetration. Just make sure not to overfeed your fish.

What can I do to stop blue-green algae?

Your pond should be properly aerated, give your fish a small amount of food, and eliminate sources of decay (caused by fish waste and dead plant material), and we also recommend changing the water and adding filter bacteria such as Tetra Pond FilterStart. To combat blue-green algae specifically, we recommend using Tetra Pond AlgoFin and Tetra Pond AlgoClean.