Complete Pet Indoor Pet Repellent

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Complete Pet Indoor pet repellant is Ready to use - do not dilute. Harmless, but effectively repells pets from forbidden...

Availability: Centurion:>4 Fourways:4

Complete Pet Indoor pet repellant is Ready to use - do not dilute. Harmless, but effectively repells pets from forbidden areas. 100 % Environment and ozone friendly. Bio-degradable, organic, non-toxic & non-staining. Effective for up to 12 hours. Safe to plants and humans. May also be used on car tyres, refuse bins, etc

Directions for use:

  • Spray the repellant onto surfaces to be protected.

  • On delicate or material surfaces, test a small area to ensure that the product has no staining effect.

  • To break bad habits and natural instincts, it will be necessary to re-apply this product every day for 7-10 days.